Sexual wellness is all about ensuring a healthy sex life. A major part of it is making sure you can perform in bed. For men, one of the nightmares they experience is ED (Erectile Dysfunction). It is when the man is unable to maintain a proper erection or get one. This is where a penile support device comes in.
There are many types of these devices you can use. Some are simple like the cock rings and penis pumps while others are more complex like penis implants. The latter may require a surgical procedure for them to work. The advent of technology has made it possible to find penile support devices that are simple and effective. A good example is the Erektor from V For Vibes. Read on to learn more about it and its benefits.
Erektor – Best 2024 Penile Support Device
One of the things that make Erektor a popular penile support device is its size. The first thing you may think when you look at it is “Does it really work?”. After all, it looks like a piece of plastic tube with two round ends. Not something that portrays a world of pleasure and satisfaction right? But nothing could be further from the truth.
For starters, it weighs about 6 grams making it one of the lightest penile support devices on the market. It’s also small making it great for people who are on the move. The small size also makes it discreet. Some people have stated their partners did not notice Erektor when they used it during intercourse. Yes, that’s how discreet it is.
This sex toy is designed to ensure men experience the best quality intercourse. It works for men with issues such as a lack of natural erections and weak erections. One of the greatest features is you can continue sexual activity after an orgasm. Usually, the penis goes limp after ejaculation. With Erektor, you can keep going to give your female partner those extra moments to get their multiple orgasms. Believe it or not, it’s true! You can check it out at V For Vibes.
Who is It For and How Does it Work?
Any man interested in experiencing a heavenly sexual experience can use it. it’s not only designed for men with erectile dysfunction. However, it’s best suited for men dealing with impotence. It’s also great for men who experience performance anxiety and premature ejaculation. Gone are the days of failing to perform in bed. Use Erektor to become a force to reckon with when it comes to sexual intercourse.
In the past, the options for ED treatment were mostly surgical. This isn’t for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. One, surgeries are intrusive and considered solutions for serious medical problems. Erektor is a penile support device that offers a non-surgical and drug-free solution. The best thing about this is the results are immediate. Get yours from V For Vibes delivered today and enjoy a night of passion like never before.
Another great feature of this device is it’s undetectable by the female partner. They will believe the performance is all you. You get praise and commendations for taking your performance to a whole new level. It also ensures you and your partner experience full skin-on-skin contact. This means the sexual experience for both partners is pleasurable and natural.
Erektor is designed to be beneficial to couples with special needs. For example, if your partner experiences multiple orgasms, this is the go-to penile support device. The good news is it’s also custom-made to give a snug fit to different male anatomies. Putting it on is fast with a maximum of 15 seconds for first-timers.
The manufacturing process undergoes strict FDA guidelines. This ensures you get the highest quality and safety standards. It also comes with a minimum of 500 usage times and a one-year warranty. It’s made using medical-grade materials pre-approved by the FDA. The design includes a front loop and ultra-thin flexible bars. Go to V For Vibes to check out the images and get them at the most affordable price in the market.
Benefits of Penile Support Devices
There are three main benefits of using Erektor as a penile support device. These will help you better understand the device and how it can improve your sex life. They are:
Beat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a condition when the ability of a man to get an erection or keep one is compromised. According to studies. It affects 35% of men aged between 40 and 70 years old. The same affects about 10% of men younger than 40 years old. The good news is that it’s reversible with treatment. Erektor works by ensuring you get an erection and it is maintained for long periods. It’s a great device for immediate results without medication or surgery.
Increase Pleasure
Penile support devices are functional. However, the best in the market are designed to also increase pleasure. For starters, this penile support device provides a tighter sensation during penetrative sex. Additionally, it helps you hit sensual spots that you couldn’t hit before. An amazing feature is the girth tends to stimulate your partner more than before. The result is a mind-blowing orgasm for the parties involved. It’s a win-win for you and your partner.
Explore More Positions
Variety is crucial for a spicy sex life. The majority of men want to try new and exciting positions with their partners. Some sex positions are a challenge when size is a limiting factor. Sometimes you are unable to properly penetrate at certain angles. In other cases, you may find you slip out of your partner when in certain sex positions. This may prevent you from exploring more sex positions with your partner. With Erektor, this is not an issue.
Last Longer in Bed
Heard of the term “one-minute man?” Erectile dysfunction is one of the causes of short and unsatisfactory sexual experiences. With the right penile support device, this is a thing of the past. There’s nothing as disappointing as experiencing an ejaculation sooner than your partner desires. It causes insecurity and makes the sexual experience less enjoyable. Erektor gives you a consistent erection while delaying ejaculation. This ensures prolonged sex and more satisfaction. Who wouldn’t want that? Go to V For Vibes and get yours delivered today.