If you have recently joined the one million existing content creators on OnlyFans and want to find out how you can promote your account, you’re in the right place. Likewise, if you’ve been on the popular platform for a while and want to refresh your strategy, we have some tips for you. Read on to find out how you can promote your OnlyFans, no matter what kind of content you create.
1. Social Media
To promote your OnlyFans, your first port of call should be social media, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. The more exposure that you give to your OnlyFans page, the better. And if you have a following on any other social media platform, it makes sense that they would probably be interested in your OnlyFans content too.
It doesn’t matter how many forms of social media you have, but what does matter is your branding. People need to be able to easily recognize you based on your profiles, so it’s a good idea to have the same or a similar style profile picture. Think about what colors you want to use, fonts, language, etc. These are the things that companies put a lot of time and effort into, and so should you on your OnlyFans. If you’re wondering what to do on specific types of social media to broadcast your account, here are some tips:
- Instagram: Set your account to public and post and update your stories once a day. Ensure that you have linked your OnlyFans account to your Instagram profile, too, so followers can easily go from one platform to another. If, like most content creators, you have your Instagram account set to public, you can find more followers and subscribers through the kind of posts you make, making use of hashtags and keywords. All it takes is for one person to find one of your Instagram posts, click on your profile and then click on your link to your OnlyFans page.
- Twitter: You can hook up your Twitter account to your OnlyFans account by going to “Settings” > “Account”. Once your account is linked, every time you post on OnlyFans, you will have the option to post the same content to your Twitter account. And when you link your Twitter account, you will also get a tick next to your name on OnlyFans, which will make your profile look more professional.
- YouTube: While some would argue that YouTube is way oversaturated these days, there’s still room for content creators to mark their territory, especially if you have a specific niche. And a lot of creators on OnlyFans tend to have a specific niche, so… maybe start a YouTube channel? Sure, there are certain types of content that are a no-no for YouTube, but you can still make PG content for YouTube about the type of content you do and broadcast your presence on OnlyFans without getting demonetized. The only things you need to make a YouTube channel work are a camera and a good personality. And seeing as you’re already a content creator for OnlyFans, or have just started out, we assume you have the right “on-camera” personality, right?
- Engage with comments: One way to make fans feel more engaged with you is if you actually reply to their comments! We don’t recommend engaging in negative comments, though; that sh*t is a never-ending spiral. But if someone gives you a supportive comment, reply to them with a quick ‘thanks’. It will mean a lot to the fan on the other end.

2. Forums
Although forums seem kind of outdated these days, they still exist, believe it or not. And actually, they can be more effective than social media. This is because there tends to be a forum for every interest, no matter how big or small. So you’re bound to find a discussion forum about your kind of content where you can promote your OnlyFans. A great website for this is Reddit. Just be careful when it comes to forum rules on self-promotion. You don’t want p*ss off any regular Reddit users, that is for sure.
3. Have Your Own Website
This might be trickier to manage, but having your own website can make you seem more official and legitimate as a content creator. It also gives you more content creation options; for example, you could offer different or juicier types of content privately, using OnlyFans to draw subscribers in. Having your own website is also helpful for gathering data from your subscribers, such as an email address. This is crucial for starting email marketing.
4. Collaborations
Just like on YouTube, it pays to collaborate with other content creators. By doing this, you can create content—sometimes different content to what you’re used to—and promote your OnlyFans at the same time. Plus you’ll make a friend! Now, isn’t that nice?
5. Promotional Discounts on Subscriptions
Offering your subscribers discounts every now and then is a sure way to make them happy and keep them engaged with your content. Try to be consistent with your schedule and pick certain times of the year to offer discounts, such as every season and on Black Friday and Christmas.
6. Offer Some Content for Free
I know what you’re thinking. Why would I offer free content when I could be making money off it? I hear you. But offering free content at the beginning of your OnlyFans career or as a promotion to existing fans could do a lot for your page. Although some people understand that content creation is a real job and you need to make actual money from your content, some people don’t understand this and want to believe that you’re not just in this for the money (I know, I know, crazy, but these people exist).
So when you give some content for free, this latter group of fans feels valued and satisfied, and you get more engagement and followers who will hopefully watch your paid content. If you start off your account as totally free, be careful when it comes to switching to paid content; you don’t want to shock your fans with steep prices overnight. So increase your prices little by little over time. People will pay for good content.
7. Get on Hookup Sites
This is often overlooked, but it’s effective. Create a profile on a hookup—not a dating site—site and fill your profile out with all the information about your OnlyFans. The benefit to these kinds of sites is that if your content is adult-themed in nature, you can upload this kind of content on these sites with no restrictions.
8. Create a Linktree for your Social Media
This handy tool allows you to put all of your links together in one link for your audience to click on. All you need to remember to do is add “Link in bio” to your posts. Now you’re a proper influencer, congrats!
9. Tell People
Depending on what kind of content you make, you might feel comfortable telling people about it! I know we have all of this complex social media nowadays, but there is something so simple yet effective about word of mouth. Just tell a friend or two who you know are going to be accepting and enthusiastic about your content. You never know who they’ll tell.
10. Go Live!
These days, most social media platforms have some kind of ‘live’ feature. And by utilizing these, you can show your fans who you are right at that second. So much of social media is trapped in a time capsule. So it can be refreshing for your followers to see what you’re like live. As well as the actual content, you could use this live feature to interact with people; you could do a Q&A, invite other creators to collaborate with you on a live session, etc.
The Climax
OnlyFans is the social media site for content that is not accepted by mainstream social media. Yet, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use these platforms to boost engagement with your OnlyFans account. There are multiple ways to promote your OnlyFans without social media, too, so get creative and see which method suits you best. Happy creating!