Can you remember those hot, frequent, and incredible moments when sex and romance were new with your partner, passionate and raw?
It is common for our sexualities to bloom best during our initial moments of intimacy, but eventually, the fire of a wonderful sex life may falter. And now you’re out there looking for how to have better sex, anything that might bring back the heat of your love life.
Over time, that sexy lingerie stays hidden in your sock drawer, your sex toy starts to gather dust in your medicine cabinet, and you and your partner now have what feels like monotonous sex life.
Do you know you can have better sex without rolling in the sheets? I love the idea of getting creative in your relationship and switching from the norm. Once you know how to be intimate without having sex, it spills into your sex life. Here are simple ways you can have better sex without actually having sex.
There’s a huge connection between exercise and sex. Working out boosts your sex drive and puts you in a great mood. It also creates a better body with improves your sexual confidence, and makes you feel sexy. It’s not clear how much exercise you need if you’re learning how to have better sex. Start with the basic recommendations and see how it goes. The best part, you can even work out with your partner. You are not only motivating each other as you challenge your bodies, but you are also together when your body is releasing those feel-good hormones, promoting experiential intimacy.

Eating Better
Apart from exercise and sex, food is also important. You look better and feel more confident about yourself when you eat healthily. When you feel good about yourself, you are in a better position to feel good about your relationship, including your sex life. It’s time to put that junk food aside and add some sizzle back into your relationship.
We hope you brought your appetite. Food like strawberries, blueberries, dark chocolate, green vegetables, and nuts can boost your sex drive and performance. Encourage your partner to eat well too, and your sex game will be more active than ever before. For more advice on the best foods for sex, visit the linked article.

Get Better Sleep
How to have better sex that gets you weak in the knees starts in bed. No, don’t think too far – what I mean is quality sleep. How do you feel after a restless night of tossing and turning? Do you feel good? How about your energy levels? Sleep is an important factor that affects your mood and libido, and lack of it can affect your productivity and sexual arousal. Sleep is a necessity you can’t do without. You need to hack it for more enjoyable and energetic sex. To establish a routine, keep screens out of your bedroom, and be mindful of what you eat before bed.
Focus on Non-Sexual Intimacy
How to have better sex is not all about the act itself. There are non-sexual intimacy ideas that can renew the spark in your relationship, boost your sexual confidence, and ultimately improve your sex life. Here are some examples of non-sexual intimacy ideas you can try with your partner
- Massage each other
- Dance together
- Cook together
- Write your partner a love letter
- Find a hobby together
- Play-fighting
- Reading to each other
- Plan movie dates
- Go on vacations
- Surprise each other.
Building Trust with your Partner through Communication and Love
Many people who want a deeper connection during sex tend to focus only on the action and the details of sex itself. However, the quality of your relationship with your partner is more important than the intense sex in the bedroom.
Communication, love, emotional connection, a sense of safety in your relationship are prerequisites for better sex and fulfillment of your sexual desires. Building trust with your partner also requires understanding, vulnerability, and acceptance. Ultimately, it is that unique feeling of being at home with your partner that makes the actual sex more pleasurable.
One of the best ways to increase trust in your relationship is by developing a beautiful and evolving friendship with your lover. When your relationship is a safe space to be, share, and express yourself without feeling judged, your ability to let go of your inhibitions and surrender to your partner without reservations in bed will increase.
Schedule an Intimate time together
When life gets overwhelming, intimacy takes the backbench. It can be difficult to think about how to have better sex or feel desirable when you have a million things to attend to and are stressed out. You must be intimately connected to your partner even when it feels like you can’t fit any other thing into your day. Plan an intimate time together with your partner and ensure your sex life is not off the table during stressful moments. When you are at your wit’s end, scheduling an intimate time together can give you something to always look forward to. A big part of sex is the anticipation and the feelings after.
Along the line, it can be fun to plan a mini-vacation somewhere where you can focus on getting intimate with your partner. Book a beautiful hotel room, or arrange an adventurous camping trip where the only goal is private time together (Hint, Camping Sex!). Turn off your phones and focus on your partner. You can both pretend you’re just getting to know each other or that you’re strangers who hooked up for a one-night stand for extra spice.
Have Great Conversations
After a long day at work, both of you should make it a habit of sitting together to go over the highs and lows of your day. We often fall into scrolling through Twitter and Instagram after work to stay updated with the latest gist or streaming Netflix after work instead of talking to our partners. While these self-care habits matter, it is crucial to set them aside and have beautiful conversations with your partner. Build empathy and connect on an emotional level.
Compliment Each Other
This works great for how to have better sex. When you get up in the morning or before you sleep at night, make it a point to compliment your partner and tell them at least one thing you appreciate about them. Whether you see your partner every day or only communicate through calls and texts, you must remind them of how awesome they are and why you love them. Challenge yourself to go beyond regular compliments like “You’re gorgeous” or “You’re intelligent” Who doesn’t like receiving beautiful and thoughtful cute compliments?
Learn your Partner’s Love Language
Different people have ways of showing and receiving love from their partners, known as the five love languages. Some prefer to hear words of affirmation all the time, while others enjoy spending as much time as they can with their partner. You need to learn your partner’s love language so they can feel loved.
At the back of your partner’s mind, they know you love and care about them. But sometimes, they want you to put in the extra effort to show that you understand their needs and desires. If you take time to understand your partner’s needs, you will both end up feeling happier, more emotionally connected, and romantically fulfilled.
And that’s how to have better sex without actually having it. Finding different ways to improve yourself and building intimacy without sex is best to enhance your sex life. Practice these tips and watch how your relationship blooms, you beautiful flowers of the world.