Masturbating is fun. Orgasms are incredible- especially soul-shaking orgasms that send sensation throughout every inch of your body. The waves of pleasure that washes over you and the calmness and relaxation you feel after are priceless. But do you know how to cum without masturbating? Or have you ever wondered if it is possible to achieve a hands-free orgasm? Yes, it is possible. You read that right!
A curious scroll across YouTube will show you things people can do without their hands. They can ride bikes, open bottles, or even put on their pants. But, there’s one thing that is not so common. We are talking about cumming without masturbating.
That means climaxing without physical touch. The human body is impressive and climaxing without masturbation is something you should explore if you are curious about enjoying more beautiful sensations around your body without using your hands.
There are many unconventional ways you can climax. The truth is, these means are there waiting to be discovered. You just have to go find them! Even simple activities like hitting the gym, doing yoga, or taking a short nap are all opportunities to have the big O. Just read on to catch the many ways you can learn how to cum without masturbating.
Get ready: everything you’ve ever known about orgasms is about to change!
Do you need the motivation to hit the gym today? Well, you’ve found one! You can experience a “coregasm” just by working out. It may sound like new workout slang or just some new generation rubbish. Before you shrug it off, coregasm is an exercise-induced orgasm.
While masturbation, G-spot, or clitoral stimulation can make you cum, an uncommon tactic involving the pelvic muscles can do the trick. Exercises that involve your core as well as engage your pelvic floor are not only good for controlling your sexual stamina and pleasure, but they can also make you climax. Squats, hip thrusts, pigeon pose, sit-ups, climbing, lifting weights, and cycling can trigger contractions that bring huge pleasure, all without masturbating or fantasizing.
Erotic Audios
Allow your ears to take the lead and let your sense of sound take the front seat in engaging your body with this form of guided masturbation. As you listen to an arousing voice saying all the dirty things that hit the right spot in your body, allow your mind to visualize the sensations you are feeling and send you to pleasure town. Erotic guided masuturbation audio will get your senses tingling, making you feel empowered and carefree.
Just the way it is possible for everyone to be lubricated and get aroused while sleeping, orgasms can happen too. This happens during rapid eye movement when your mind is most active, and it is an unexpected way of how to cum without masturbating. You can’t be sure you will have an orgasm when you sleep, but sleeping on your stomach can make you have wet dreams. When you sleep on your stomach, the genitals get pressed together and cause stimulation of erotic thoughts.
That’s not all. During REM (Rapid Eye Movement), the body experiences different fluctuations and rapid blood flow through several parts of your body, including your brain and genitals. The brain is a powerful aphrodisiac, and your dreams can give you the intense sexual pleasure that leaves you panting hard and throbbing with excitement when you wake.

The common words associated with childbirth include excruciating, intense, and exhausting pain. The word “orgasmic” is rarely associated with childbirth. It must sound weird that childbirth is an example of how to cum without masturbating, but having an orgasm during childbirth is not a myth.
The baby comes out through the birth canal which is the same as the penis going into the vagina. Labor comes with hormonal changes; more endorphins and oxytocin are released. These are pleasure hormones and can trigger hands-free orgasms. Call us crazy, but its true.
Thinking about It
Unlike the popular coregasm, you can do this without moving a muscle. Your brain is connected to your sexuality, and you can make yourself climax just with the power of your mind. Many women attest to the fact that they can ‘think off’ to orgasm. Does that sound unreal? Well, science has got some proof. Barbara Carrellas, a sex coach and writer, also known as the poster girl for thinking off, was put in an MRI Machine and studied by researchers at Rutgers University. It may sound weird, but science-backed her up. The parts of the brain that light up during orgasm lit up through her thinking off.
This is similar for women who orgasm through conventional methods. You can experience orgasm by only connecting your thoughts to your body. Think of a scenario that gets you turned on. You may have different thoughts but just focus on a particular image or fantasy. Concentrate till you start to feel the pulsation, tingles, and warmth that come with climaxing.
Orgasmic Breathing
This involves engaging your inner erotic energy. You have to practice breathing intentionally to achieve orgasm for your sexual pleasure. Using orgasmic breathing can make you experience cumming without masturbating and make you present in your body’s experiences. It includes a combination of breath and visualization to achieve ecstasy without sex. You can do this in a quiet and comfortable place. It takes consistent practice, but you can do it with your partner as a form of sex meditation.
Practice Yoga
Who would have thought that a practice that focuses on relaxation and calmness can be used for cumming without masturbating? You should never underestimate Yoga sex. If you’ve done yoga before, you should know the two things that happen most of the time – Breathing deeply and flexing your pelvic muscles.
If you love experiencing orgasms and practicing yoga, then the idea that you can climax right in your yoga class should not catch you unaware. Core demanding poses like cat pose crunches, triangle pose crunches, glute bridges, high plank shoulder taps are poses you should try if you want to know how to cum without masturbating.

Belly Button Orgasms
This is a thing. We’ve all been sleeping on this secret button that guarantees a hands-free orgasm. Stimulating your belly button can hit your vagus nerve, which has a branchlike shape that connects the cervix and the brain through the belly. For men, it’s the vagus nerve that gives you that extremely painful and stomach-turning feeling you get when you are kicked in the balls.
But for many women, stimulating this nerve through the belly button can send them straight into climax. Pressing your belly button for a few minutes while concentrating on your breathing sends blood flow to your genitals, releases pent-up energy, and makes it easy for you to cum.
Practice and Practice some more
Learning how to cum without masturbating takes time, patience, and awareness of your body. You can become more mindful of orgasmic sensations by practicing. When you know what turns you on, then you can pick techniques of hands-free orgasms that correlate. If you don’t enjoy it, listen to your body. Hands-free might not be your jam, and that’s fine.
Yes, coregasms, yogasms, dreamgasms, etc exist. Your body is dynamic, and there are multiple ways to please yourself without masturbation or sticking to the few common methods of pleasing and arousing yourself. The key is exploring, and you guessed right – practice makes perfect. Now that you know how to cum without masturbating, try to explore and have the time of your life.