For gay threesome sex lovers and those new to group sex alike, there are plenty of gay threesome sex positions to test and play with, and boy do we have some incredibly sexy ones to share with you.
A threesome in itself is quite the endeavor, so why not go all in to make it the absolute best that it can be? If this sparks a subtle little smile across your cheeks, then keep on reading to learn more.
What is Gay Threesome Sex?
Gay threesome sex is a sexual connection involving three men in which there is no requirement for romantic involvement.
This practice is based on sexual communion, where the three partners consent and seek new pleasures via simultaneous sex. It logically lasts only the time of the sexual act without implying a long-term, romantic relationship, which distinguishes it from polyamory.
The sex itself is unrestricted. Rather than convention, the ‘group’ determines it. In these types of relationships, the use of sex toys is very common.
If you can pull it off perfectly, threesome sex is a fantastic way to boost your sex life and to find new meanings of physical sensation.
How to Make a Gay Threesome Work?
Confidence is the main key to a successful threesome and makes for the best threesome sex positions. Trust between the two lovers and the person who is chosen to satisfy this fantasy is also essential.
Although a threesome might not be about love, we still must choose someone we are comfortable with so that the bond of trust remains.
Also, try to set your boundaries with your partner: what are the limits of touch? What are the authorized threesome sex positions? What other personal limits do you want to set…?
If you are “the guest”, choose a couple you know and feel good with, and always follow their set boundaries. With that being said, if you are offered to do something out of your comfort zone, you still have equal say.
If you are asked to take photos of your threesome, for example, do not feel like you have to agree- just because you are in a threesome does not mean you have to accept everything, even if you are outnumbered.
The important thing is to discuss everything with your partners and remain open in communication so that everyone can express their feelings.

Best Gay Threesome Sex Positions:
In threesome sex, just as in a two-person relationship, naturalness and spontaneity are often the driving force behind the positions, but there might be a few things you might not have thought of that could turn out to be fun.
We are not telling you what to do. Instead, we are simply directing you and providing a source of inspiration for your next threesome with tips that might make it just that much more stimulating.
A perfect sex position for voyeurist enthusiasts.
Not everyone has to be active in this position. Two of the partners can make love while the other observes from afar, and he can pleasure himself to the alluring sight just in front of his eyes.

The (double) Spoon
The three participants are on the flank, all looking in the same direction.
The partner at the end of the chain penetrates, the one in the middle both penetrates and receives, and the last partner on the end only receives the lustful penetration. To make this fun and fair, switch between the varying positions for a variety of sensations.
69 Plus One
The same principle as the 69, but with three mouths to play around.
The partners form a sort of triangle flat on the bed. All of them perform oral to one of the other partners. This oral can be both to the genitals and the anus, depending on your preference and desires.
Add Penetration to the 69 Position.
In this enticing variation of gay threesome sex positions, two of the partners involved engage in oral sex with one another as the third focuses on penile penetration that is the fast track to climax.
He who is penetrating can switch between the partners, resulting in endless fun for everyone involved.
The Bridge
In this threesome sex position, one of the three acts as both the giver and the receiver of the action.
Bring your knees to the ground, plant your hands, and remain on all fours.
This will allow you to put the first person’s cock in your mouth, who will stand in front, and will allow the partner who is behind to pound you as they please.
The bridge threesome sex position works your core as well, so it’s a great ab workout and sex position all in one. What’s not to like about that?
Double Penetration
Double penetration is one of the most exciting gay threesome sex positions. Many gay men fantasize about receiving or participating in double penetration, and it is easy to see why.
In this position, two men insert their penis into one man’s bottom. Simple, yet oh-so complex.
It is strongly recommended to use a lubricant to facilitate the penetration safely and comfortably.
Daddy Dominant
In this version of threesome sex, one of the three is the dominant who gives orders to the others, such as kneeling for him to suck his cock or request that the others suck each other for his amusement.
He also can practice aspects of BDSM on them, such as spanking, bondage, or by utilizing the various pleasures of sex toys.
This gay threesome sex position allows daddy dominant to get whatever he wants from his baby boys.
Mutual Masturbation
Although masturbation is often seen as a solitary act, it is also possible to practice it in threesome sex.
This is called mutual masturbation. The idea? To touch yourself in front of your partners while they do the same.
Sex is often associated – wrongly! – With the notion of performance. Many people focus solely on achieving orgasm and making their partner cum during sex. Mutual masturbation often relieves this weight. And for a good reason: everyone is responsible for their own pleasure and visually feeds on the other to reach the seventh heaven.
Tips & Advice for Couples Wanting to try these Gay Threesome Sex Positions:
Create a safe word.
Establish a safe word before you engage in threesome sex. Allow everyone to end the three-way game or take a break to check himself.
Also, if you are in a relationship and you have found someone you want to invite to your bed, make sure that person is okay with it. Do not continue to pick on that person if they don’t want to.
Decide if the threesome sex will be a secret or not.
Discuss whether the three of you are going to keep your threesome a secret or not. You do not want to be embarrassed or embarrass someone else if the word gets out.
Watch porn together for inspiration on which positions to try.
Of course, when it comes to sex education, porn is not an ideal source, but some good videos will give you some amazing inspiration about some gay threesome sex positions to try out for yourselves.
Do not be afraid of using sex toys.
Must we say more? Sex toys do nothing but make a threesome just that much more pleasurable. Why would anyone skip out on that?
Set your limits before your threesome.
Fantasy and reality are two very different things. Rarely does an experience turn out to be exactly what you had in your head.
So the urge to be penetrated by two men, for example, can totally disappear when the time is right. It is possible that you ultimately prefer simple kisses and a few tender hugs. Do not hesitate to communicate your specific desires before AND during the act!
Doing it to please, for a birthday, or because you’ve been convinced is not a good idea.
You should want to try gay threesome sex positions for yourself before allowing it to be something you do only for another.
To make everything go as smoothly as possible in Wonderland, right?
We insist: do not forget anyone while trying these threesome sex positions, not even yourself. Make frequent eye contact to make sure everyone is okay and enjoying the moment to the fullest extent.
In threesome sex, you have to communicate, set limits, choose your partners well and above all, ESPECIALLY insist on the indisputable dimension of the use of condoms.
The most important thing to plan for a threesome is a condom … or several! The man must change condoms with each partner, which is essential to protect the threesome from all sexually transmitted diseases.
The atmosphere is also essential. We advise you to opt for a reassuring place, a beautiful light, appropriate music, and why not a good bottle of wine to set things off on a loose and relaxed pace.