What you didn’t know about porn, some porn facts may surprise you. While most of us have watched a few videos in our lifetime, the effects of these and the reach of the industry are larger than expected.
Porn can be a fun tool in your sex life, so educating yourself further on the industry and it’s nuances can really change your views on how you watch and what kind of videos you watch.
Porn is worth more than multiple professional sports leagues.
You may not know these porn facts, but the porn industry is estimated to be worth about $97 billion. This is more than the NFL, MLB, and NBA combined. That’s a lot of money!
Hollywood makes a little over 500 movies per year. In stark contrast, the porn industry releases somewhere around 14,000 movies per year! Thats 7 times more than Hollywood, in an industry where costs are much lower.
In North Korea, watching porn leads to jail time, and potential execution. For an industry with such a far reach, it’s shocking to learn that the effects can absolutely devastate people. We often think of porn as me time, a time to relax and enjoy, and indulge in our guilty pleasures. Knowing that the penalty of death is possible puts a serious twist to that.
Men are often first to watch porn. Women start watching porn at a much later age. Men also watch porn much more than women do, at any given stage of a relationship. While this isn’t a new thing, it’s interesting to see the demographics broken down by relationship type and gender.
Porn stars don’t make as much as you may think. Not only do women out earn men, but the costs of actors and actresses vary widely by type of movie and who is in it. Your favourite porn stars may only make a combined $2000 for a very popular video.
Porn addiction is widely contested as a fake problem. Many researchers believe that porn addiction is not a true addiction. Because addiction is controversial, we have no opinion, but we enjoy watching a fun video as much as the next!
To try and assist pandas in mating during captivity, a Chinese panda researcher created “panda porn” to teach them how to mate. It successfully helped panda mating rates go up!
Because condoms are not often used in porn videos, it’s estimated that over 70% of your favorite actors in the industry have herpes. While we believe in destigmatizing STI’s, remember to be safe!
Sunday is the most popular day for porn websites. Pre work week and post workout, we can appreciate the priority of relaxation!
Struggling to find the perfect website for your videos? Keep looking. Statistics show that over 42 million websites are dedicated to porn.
There are two major types of porn: hard core and soft core. Hard core porn typically includes visible penetration, and real sexual scenes. Soft core has nudity, but not visible penetration or fetishes.
Porn is an incredible source of sexuality, and a fascinating industry. We hope you enjoyed learning more about it!