Doggy-style sex is one of the most well-liked variations of sex positions to exist. This erotic position provides intense amounts of pleasure for both partners involved, and becoming an expert in doggy-style sex will showcase to you newfound sensations within this orgasm-inducing act.
So if you need to up your doggy-style game, we’re here to enlighten you with some tips and tricks to gain you some serious respect in the bedroom. Stick around to learn more!
The Genderless Sex Position
One of the most alluring aspects regarding doggy-style sex is the fact that it cares not about gender, as doggy style will cater to all.
For heterosexual couples, the man will most likely take the thrusting position, but that doesn’t mean the female cant throw on a strap-on to showcase to her man insane amounts of prostate pleasure! And, of course, doggy-style strap-on sex will apply to female-female couples as well.
For gay or bisexual males, this is a keystone position for incredible sensation.
No matter where you stand in gender or sexuality, doggy-style sex can always be applied to your lovemaking.
The Benefits of Doggy-Style Sex
Why is doggy style such a great position?
First off, doggy style allows for some of the deepest of possible penetration when compared to other positions. The angle of the body allows the penetrating partner to reach the furthest depths of penetration, and this is extremely beneficial to promote G-spot and prostate pleasure. This is also done with a focus on dominance, as the penetrating partner maintains a sense of control over the more submissive counterpart.
Doggy style isn’t the most intimate of sex positions, but that might not be a bad thing. Certain people might get off due to intimacy, but many prefer a less intimate approach that focuses solely on sensation instead. Besides, sometimes looking away from your partner helps you to focus on only what you feel, and can help promote general confidence due to the lack of eye contact.
And must we even mention that beautiful view? With the back arched and the buttocks extended high into the air, this provides the epitome of visual pleasure in conjunction with physical feeling.
Top this off with the ability to adjust the position in multiple ways, and to incorporate sex toys and anal play into the scenario, and you have a sex position worthy of climax for all involved.
Tips and Tricks for Doggy Style Sex
Let’s get into a few variations of doggy style for you to try, and different ways to adjust this sex position to your optimal liking.
It’s a simple truth: good sex requires foreplay. Doggy style is best when you are fully turned on, and in order to do so, you must practice plenty of foreplay before jumping right into things.
Make sure to take your time, as the longer you tease one another, the more you’ll want it. Kiss, touch, and perform oral. Anything and everything that promotes your sexuality is a great place to start before kneeling on all fours.
There’s no such thing as enough lube, even if you are perfectly wet from your natural lubrication, and this is especially true for male partners. Never be afraid to bust the lube out, and always use plenty of it!
Body Positioning
The positioning and angle of your body is the director of doggy-style sex. Of course, remaining on all fours is indicative of doggy style, but when on all fours, you still have the ability to adjust things accordingly.
The key is to focus on your body and realizing exactly what types of angles feel the best to you.
If a certain angle feels uncomfortable, try arching the back more or less. Your partner’s angle of penetration may also be adjusted, as they can stand higher or lower over you. The most important thing to realize is that communication during doggy style is the best way for you to adjust accordingly. Never be afraid to tell things how it is, and to change up the angles with experience.
The curvature of certain penises or dildos will also remain unique. With this, you might also want to note that no partner will feel the same as the other, so every doggy-style interaction will present special idiosyncrasies to which you will have to learn and adjust to.
On the Floor
For classic doggy-style sex, have the receiving partner place themselves on a hard floor surface on all fours. The penetrating partner can then mount them from behind while also on their knees to thrust as they please.
On the Bed
The bed is a soft surface, and you’ll sink into the mattress a bit. For partners with varying height differences, this might be the perfect way to help adjust the angels until you feel what is right.
Over the Bed
With over the bed doggy style, have the receiving partner rest their belly on the side of the bed while leaning over, remaining standing on their feet. The penetrating partner can also remain standing, and this creates quite an alluring take on the ability to thrust at different speeds and pressures.
Use a Pillow!
When on the bed, placing a pillow underneath the receiving partner is the perfect means to promote stability and to create an angle that allows for blissful penetration.
Sex Toys
If you’re not using sex toys while in doggy style, then you should! Doggy style offers the perfect opportunity to compliment pounding pleasure with other means of sensation.
A vibrator placed on the clitoris, a butt plug to showcase anal bliss, nipple clamps to provide pleasure to her breasts where the male can otherwise not reach them.
Sex toys never disappoint, and by incorporating them into doggy-style sex, you can effortlessly find yourself reaching climax.
A Touch of Rough
Often doggy-style sex is synonymous with rough sex. Because this position is already not as intimate as others, you might as well hone in on the rough nature of it!
The butt of the partner is open and exposed, ready to receive the firm hand of a spanking. The hair is in the perfect position to grab a few strands and pull them back. Want to experiment with bits of choking? Simply wrap your hand around your partner’s neck and remind them that you control the very breaths of which they take.
Different Types of Thrusting
When in doggy style, the penetrating partner should ensure to utilize varying forms of thrusting for all sorts of climax-inducing pleasure.
As well as thrusting the entire penis in and out, be sure to also thrust with it deep inside them, pushing your body firmly against their butt as it is inserted inside. Use your hips to direct this motion with varying degrees of intensity and power.
Dirty Talking
Our words are powerful, and dirty talking adds an element to doggy-style sex that can cater to your wildest imagination.
Lean into your partner and whisper into their ear what you plan to do to them. Tell them aloud how incredible their ass looks pointed to the sky. Remind them that you are in control with aggressive words to further create a sense of the dominant and submissive relationship.
Don’t let doggy sex be quiet, as everything is more fun when the moans are loud and when you can speak aloud your dirtiest of desires.
Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones are areas throughout the body with concentrated nerve endings that, when stimulated, send out sexual signals and sensations.
To target these areas, light touching and tickling of the skin over them are exactly what you need to send goosebumps down your partner’s spine while pounding them from behind.
Some of the most popular erogenous zones for doggy style sex include:
- The lower back
- The neck
- Behind the knees
- The armpits
- The abdomen
- The nipples
The Cumshot
If you want to add a flair to your doggy-style sex that your partner will never forget, try ending the situation with the cumshot of all cumshots.
When they are about to reach climax, tell them exactly where you want them to cum. You can spread your cheeks, flip over to your back for the breast/face, or if you really want to show off, you can spin around and complete the night with a cumshot in the mouth by finishing them via sucking.