Are you in the market for a dildo? If so, you’ve probably tried searching for “dildos near me”.The challenge lies in the fact that sex toys come in various shapes and sizes, crafted from different materials. Finding the right dildo for your needs can be a daunting task. To simplify the process, we’ve compiled a list of what to look for, starting with the materials.
Materials Used to Make Dildos
The materials used to make dildos vary in terms of their features. Some are rigid and others are flexible. To get an idea of what to expect, we have compiled a list of the materials used to make them.
Soft Skin
This material is also known as UR3, Siliskin, Cyber Skin, Flanta Flesh, etc. It’s designed to mimic the softness and texture of human skin. This material is flexible and warms quickly to the touch. Cleaning requires extra attention because soft skin is porous. Once you have cleaned a soft skin dildo, you may need to store it after applying sex toy powder.
Silicone is one of the most popular material for making sex toys. It can be described as a man-made material that’s nontoxic. Such features ensure the dildo is non-porous and smooth, meaning cleaning it is a breeze. Even though dildos made using silicone are flexible, they aren’t the most flexible in the market.
The United States doesn’t have any federal regulations regarding sex toys. This means it’s not easy to be sure the sex toy you purchase has met the minimum safety standards. It’s wise to confirm with the manufacturer or purchase from verified and trustworthy sites, such as V For Vibes.

Borosilicate Glass
This material is similar to what’s used to make Pyrex dishware. Borosilicate glass is easy to clean and shatterproof. Dildos made using this material provide firm pressure and accuracy during use. Opt for dildos made of this material if you plan on experimenting with temperature play. They can be placed in a refrigerator or microwave without them getting damaged.
Thermoplastic Rubber or Thermoplastic Elastomer are non-toxic materials used to make sex toys. Apart from being flexible and strong, they can withstand rough use. You need to be careful when cleaning and storing such dildos due to the porous nature of the material. Use a condom if you plan to use such dildos anally.
Jelly Rubber/PVC
When searching for dildos online, you may come across some made from PVC. It’s a rigid material usually combined with other plasticizers such as phthalates. The combination ensures the end product is flexible. They also give the sex toy a smooth and soft feel.
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is investigating the effects of phthalates in body care products. Take note that the material cannot be used to make kids’ toys. This means you should try to avoid sex toys made using PVC and phthalates. However, PVC sex toys are the least expensive in the market.
The overall size of a dildo is one of the most crucial factors to consider before making a purchase. Determine the girth and length you would like. If you’re buying for someone else, opt for an average overall size. If you plan on using one with your partner, ask them their preferences. The best option would be shopping for the sex toy with them.
Women who want to stimulate the cervix during vaginal play need 6” or longer. Anything shorter works for those who don’t want vaginal stimulation. Generally, people with larger bodies may need longer dildos. A long dildo is also recommended if you are using a harness.
For anal play, the length isn’t that important. You just need to ensure the toy is soft. Men have a prostrate that’s about two to three inches inside the rectum. Women have their perineal sponge at approximately the same depth inside their vagina. Any dildo that is more than 4 inches should work.
On average, a dildo is 15 inches wide. You can decide to go for the larger or smaller size of the average. For beginners, it’s recommended they go for thinner sizes.
There are dildos that have ripples, which affect their width. These are great options for marathon pleasure romps. However, such sex toys have a probability of leaving you sore afterwards. Check out reviews posted by users to get an idea of what to expect from a specific dildo.
Types of Dildos
Now that you know the materials used to make dildos, now let’s check out the types available.There are about nine types, including:
These are usually made using silicone. They are characterized as squishy or flexible.
These can be made using any type of material. The main difference is they have a bullet vibrator inside. These are great for people who enjoy masturbating.
These are dildos made using non-flexible materials such as crystal, stainless steel, or glass. Hard dildos are designed to stimulate specific areas such as the A-spot.
Suction Cup
Suction cup dildos come with a suction cup located at the base. It can be connected to a surface to allow for hands-free operation.
Pack and Play
It’s a combination of a prosthetic and sex toy. These dildos are designed to be used with a harness. The ideal location is under the pants to create something similar to a penis. You bend it to make it erect when you are ready to use it.
Strap-on dildos come with a strap or harness and must be worn to be used.
You can use this dildo alone or with a partner. You can also use it anally or vaginally.
They are also known as realistic dildos. Representational dildos are designed to mimic the size and shape of a real penis. For example, some even have testicles.
These don’t look like a penis. They are round in shape and some are discreet. Non-representational dildos are designed for people who travel a lot.