“Creampie” is famous among the most experienced and most passionate of sex lovers. But for others, what exactly is this practice and how is it done?
This practice consists of having sexual intercourse where the male provider does not wear a condom. During orgasm, the man does not withdraw. Instead, he ejaculates in the body of his partner and then withdraws. The semen then flows out of the partner’s vulva, anus, or mouth.
In the case of internal anal ejaculation, the expulsion of semen is also known as cum fart (“sperm fart”) or cum farting (“action of farting sperm”).
What is a creampie?
The “creampie” is a porn movie technique in which semen is shown to come out after a man ejaculates either from the woman’s vagina or anus. Hence the symbolism of the cream referring to sperm. The best of the cake.
There are a lot of men who want to see this action, so at the end of the intercourse with the girl, after the grand finale, they are asked to tighten their muscles and slowly cross her legs to see just how the liquid erotically falls from the hole.
They only have to slightly separate their buttocks to have an even more special image so that it increases more eroticism and the passion of the moment. Ask your lover or friend to do this activity, and welcome to newfound visual passion within sex.
If you want to creampie, follow these steps:
- Have sex without a condom or any other barrier.
- Be able to reach orgasm (this is not always guaranteed with men. contrary to what many think, going soft and failing to cum is far more common than realized for men).
- When you’re right at the edge of orgasm, just keep pumping and do not pull out until you have completely finished your orgasm.
That’s all there is to it! There are a few caveats, however:
After you have finished a creampie is a bad time to ask whether your girl is on birth control, or if you should have done the creampie in the first place.
If you (or another man) wants to have sex soon after the creampie was done, it’s going to be really, really slippery in there, and some men very much enjoy the kink of having sex after another has performed a creampie.
What are the sexual benefits caused by a Creampie?!
Some men may think that once ejaculation takes place, a person has reached full sexual satisfaction, whether through masturbation, oral sex, or a full sexual relationship.
Here, medical sources confirm a big difference from an organic point of view between ejaculation inside the vagina during intercourse and external ejaculation during masturbation. According to the sources, ejaculation inside the vagina leads to complete sexual satisfaction that causes the utmost pleasure, as well as removes any potential prostate congestion, and thus a great physical comfort and a resumption of activity and vitality of the partner after intercourse, as well as the pleasure and psychological comfort.
Why do creampies feel so good from a male’s perspective?
It is mentally satisfying just as it is physically. The warm slippery feeling and the messy sight of it dripping out of her is very arousing.
In BDSM, it gives men a sense of ownership, and for her, it gives a form of submission and acceptance. And that will lead to other intense sexual acts down the road, further exploration like cumming in their mouth and swallowing!
Is it safe to swallow creampie?
In most instances, it is safe to swallow a creampie.
Semen is a mixture of different bodily fluids, including sperm, from varying glands.
Male semen contains water, protein, and small amounts of sperm.
The prostate contributes the following to semen:
And the seminal vesicles add the following to semen:
- fructose
- ascorbic acid
- prostaglandins
It is generally safe to swallow semen, and none of the fluids that make up semen are harmful. There are, however, instances when this is not safe.
Some people are allergic to semen, and this is known as seminal plasma hypersensitivity.
Because semen is a bodily fluid, it can also carry sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV. To avoid this, everyone should make sure that they test for STIs before engaging in any form of sex.
Why would a straight man love to eat creampies?
Well, It could be a Fetish between him and his lover, regardless of which part involved enjoys it more.
It can also be another way to proceed, let’s say, to secondary foreplay for round two!! He may also enjoy the taste of his own cum.
The fact that a man likes eating his own cum by no means makes him have “gay” tendencies. He and his lover simply enjoy being a part of their Lovemaking and carrying out this act together.
Can a creampie make a woman pregnant, and is it harmful?
The only way to get someone pregnant is to get sperm in contact with an egg to fertilize this, so yes, it can indeed get a woman pregnant.
Sperm is actually full of stuff that’s not bad for the skin. However- if you have a sexually transmitted infection, this could be harmful. People can go blind from getting chlamydia in their eyes, and other harmful infections can cause all sorts of damage. Some people are also allergic to sperm. So be careful!
For the most part, by nature semen is protected to ensure fertilization in a woman’s vagina and uterus, and I would say unless a person has an STD, in the end, a cream pie is cleaner and safer than French kissing because a person’s mouth is full of nasty bacteria!
Thanks to the acids in our stomach, the most harmful stuff we swallow like mucus from our sinuses, saliva, our own or someone else’s, and semen are neutralized.
The practice of creampie involves all the risks of transmission of STIs, since it requires unprotected intercourse, and of pregnancy, if the woman does not use the usual means of contraception other than a condom.