Masturbation is such a personal thing, yet did you know that it could bring you closer to your partner? As we all know, being vulnerable with our partner brings us closer to them; opening up about our emotions, telling them our deepest, darkest secrets, building on the different types of intimacy… and showing them how we flick our bean? Yes!
Wanna know what’s even more beneficial? Masturbating together at the same time. Showing each other how you both pleasure yourselves is probably one of the most intimate activities you can do with your significant other, perhaps partly due to the fact that masturbation is still taboo even nowadays. It’s seen as something private that you assume nobody does. So to do it in front of each other is a breath of fresh air! Read on to find out why you should indulge in some couple masturbation tonight! We’re here to highlight the fact that, yes, couples masturbating together stay together.
So what is couple masturbation exactly?
Couples masturbation, also known as mutual masturbation, is when a couple masturbates at the same time while watching one another– spoiler alert! They may use mutual masturbation as a warm-up to sex or use it as the main event (for those nights when you just can’t be bothered to go the whole way … if you know, you know). Mutual masturbation can include just your fingers or sex toys. Whatever you prefer is what you can do… The limits are seemingly endless, and that is precisely what makes masturbating together the perfect tool for sexual experimentation and discovery.
Why do it?
We like the phrase: couples that masturbate together stay together. That’s a good enough reason in our book. But if you’re looking for some more detailed explanations, here you are:
Spice things up
If you’ve been with your partner for a while, you’ll know what we mean when we say that things can get a bit … routine… in the bedroom. The same old, same old. But that’s no way to treat sex with your partner, is it? Just because you know each other inside out doesn’t mean that you should give up trying to spice things up in the bedroom. Adding mutual masturbation can be an interesting, sexy twist in preventing the negative effects of the mundane.
Firstly, watching your partner touch themselves is a big turn-on. Not only does it feel like live porn, but it’s also a learning activity for you. This is your time to find out what they like and, just as importantly, what they don’t! Although you are sure to be entracned by such an activity, try to take a few mental notes on the things they do to themselves that they enjoy so you can replicate this during physical intimacy. On top of that, masturbating together can really build a sexy atmosphere between you. Hello, better sex!
Also, if you’re in a long-distance relationship, mutual masturbation over the phone can be hot AF! There’s something about being far away from your lover but so close at the same time. What better way to maintain a sex life regardless of the distance between your physical bodies? Just think of the anticipation it will build and the excitement to alas release it when the day of your visit arrives.
Better sex
Yes, better sex! Masturbating in front of your significant other can make them want to have sex with you more. It’s almost like teasing them; there you are, pleasuring yourself, and they’re not touching you … it’s bound to boost their jealousy up to an unbearable level until they absolutely must have you. Likewise, you might also desire your partner more.
And if you mutually masturbate for a long time, that jealousy is only going to build, and so will their desire for you. You’re telling me jealousy can be a good thing?! In an instance like this, it sure as hell can. Plus, this style of masturbation is your one-stop answer to sensual foreplay.
You get to know you.
Sure, masturbating in front of someone can be hot, but it can really teach you something about yourself. Being so vulnerable with your partner can give you the confidence to try something new with the way you masturbate, whether it be with your fingers or a vibrator. Sex is all about comfortability, but sometimes you need to breach your current comfortability to learn new things you might (or might not!) come to enjoy.
It’s a good alternative to lazy sex.
We’ve all been there. It’s been a long day, and you feel kinda’ horny, but you also can’t be bothered to have full-on sex. Couple mutual masturbation is a good alternative; you both get the pleasure you want without the added physical exercise. Have a nice cuddle afterward, and you’ve basically just had sex. Not a bad way to feel that high of sexual excitement even when your body isn’t fully up to it, now, is it?
Zero risk of STIs and unwanted pregnancy
Mutual masturbation is guaranteed to satisfy you and your partner without the added risk that comes with penetrative sex; yes, we’re talking about sexually transmitted infections (…or diseases) and unwanted pregnancy. As careful as we can be, sometimes, things just happen when you least expect it. With mutual masturbation, you needn’t worry about a condom breakage or an accidental case of chlamydia. Hurrah! A little bit easier than a similar alternative route, like anal sex, but still just as fun.
It’s faster than sex.
We by no means recommend rushing anything to do with sexual pleasure … however, sometimes it can take a while to get things going when it comes to penetrative sex, so if you’re both feeling horny but don’t have the time for an entire lovemaking session, give some good-old couple mutual masturbation a go! Because it’s you touching yourself, you can touch yourself just how you like. And that probably means reaching orgasm much more quicly.
Masturbation is healthy
Sex is a great stress-reliever, and so is masturbation! There are a ton of health benefits of masturbation. Sexually pleasuring yourself releases lots of feel-good dopamine that puts you in a good mood. Pleasuring yourself can also help you sleep better, lower your stress levels, and clear up that problematic skin of yours. And what’s better than that? Doing it with someone you love, of course. Aww.
Our biggest piece of advice is to discover for yourself the validity of the statement, “couples masturbating together stay together”. So bring it up with your partner during your next sex talk, answer the ‘why’, plan out the ‘how’s’ and ‘whens’ and give it a go! You’ll be amazed at just how fun it is.