Cock worship is a pleasuring and lively activity to incorporate into your sex life, as many people find high levels of joy and fulfillment when engaging in such an activity.
And the best part? Literally, any gender and sexuality can engage in cock worship- there really are no limits here. But the truth of the matter is that a lot of people have no idea what cock worship really is or how to do it. So if you’re asking yourself, “what is cock worship?”, then you’ve come to the perfect place, as this is precisely the topic of conversation we will focus on today.
What is Cock Worship?
Let’s start with the ‘what’ before addressing the ‘how’. Cock worship, sometimes also called penis worship, dick worship, or phallus worship, is the act of overly obsessing and appreciating your partner’s cock by placing ample amounts of attention on it and by engaging in excessive amounts of positive love and affirmation towards it.
As the name implies, you are literally worshipping their penis.
Sometimes, this is taken to extremely high levels of spirituality, where there is a ritualistic element surrounding the cock worship, like creating a ceremony of cock worship. And for others, the approach is simple, a celebration of the cock present to build appreciation, connection, and intimacy between the partners involved.
Who Can Engage in Cock Worship?
Cock worship can literally be practiced by anyone and everyone- it absolutely does not matter what gender or sexuality you are.
Sure, we might associate cock worship with a female partner worshipping and appreciating her male partner’s cock, but there are other forms taken in the engagement of this practice. For example, a strap-on penis can be used instead of a real phallus, allowing any gender to practice cock worship. As long as a form of a penis is present, whether it is real or not, cock worship can take place!

Why Engage in Cock Worship?
Cock worship is the perfect way to make your partner feel extra appreciated and special for their sexuality. When looking at the men involved in cock worship, so many struggle with fear of their phallus size or their ability to please their partner, and penis worship is a wonderful means to negate these negative emotions and to make them feel strong, capable, accepted, and empowered.
As well as this, cock worship is an integrated part of the BDSM world. The partner who is worshipping the other’s cock is taking a submissive role, and this helps to reinforce the dominant and submissive constructs contained within this style of sexual relationship.
Cock worship, bringing us back to the spiritual element associated with it, might also aim to create a ritual/ceremony to enhance the fertilization powers of the penis and to help with a successful conception.
How to Practice Penis Worship
So you want to learn how to worship his cock or the strap-on of your partner? It’s really not a difficult thing to do, but one of the best places to begin is to gain an understanding of how your partner feels about their cock, first.
Gain an understanding of what they love about their cock, or the opposite, and learn what they do not like. When they express their insecurities, you can then use these insecurities to your advantage during cock worship. For example, if he is self-conscious about his size, then you can reiterate to him during cock worship that his penis size is plenty large and perfectly capable of sending you into a realm of orgasmic bliss.
The next step is to figure out the areas of his cock that he/she/they find the most pleasure in by asking them. You might realize that the testicles are their favorite pleasure point, or you might learn that they do not like the sensations of ball play. Or, they might tell you that they love attention towards the tip more than attention towards the shaft. Every piece of information gained will help you to worship their cock in a manner that is the most fulfilling and gratifying to them.
Take your Time
The whole point of cock worship is to worship his cock, right? Of course! And none of this can be done slowly, or else it’s not really worship now, is it?
You must learn to take your time with this practice, as that is what it is all about. Give yourself ample time to worship his cock, and really remain cognizant of not allowing yourself to jump into your own pleasures here. Sure, you might be really turned on, especially with a large, veiny phallus looking you straight in the eyes, but you need to hold yourself back for a little while. This is about their penis and not about your pleasures, so take plenty of time as you engage in cock worship and use this as an extended form of lustful, sensual foreplay.

Verbal Affirmations
Verbal affirmation is a keystone and required element to successful cock worship. It’s easy to use your words to complement the cock, and these words and compliments lay the foundation of cock worship.
Use your words to verbalize how much joy you find in seeing the cock, how much you love their cock, how beautiful it is, how big it is, etc. The goal, however, is to be as genuine and real as possible with your compliments. Don’t have them thinking you are making things up simply for the sake of cock worship, and only say the things that you mean from the bottom of your heart, because hopefully, it is precisely these feelings of love towards your partner that made you want to engage in cock worship in the first place.
Time to Get Physical
As you tease and engage in verbal penis worship, the next step is to make things physical. But again, because the goal is to take your time, you want to be as slow and precise with this sexual physicality as possible. Don’t jump straight into the oral, and start with a light and gentle massage with your hands.
Oil up the cock with plenty of lubrication, and gently stroke, caress and hold every inch of it in your hands as you begin to engage in the best handjob of their life. Ask them what they like to direct the lovely erotic massage accordingly.
As you do so, ensure to also massage the testicles, and to enhance the allure and success of the cock worship, try to maintain some erotic eye contact as you do so, as eye contact increases connection and further solidifies the idea of worshipping your partner through their genitals.
Cock Worship Oral Sex
After spending some time with your hands, you will listen to their body language cues to know when it’s time to up the game a bit with cock worship oral sex. Chances are, they will thrust their hips up or use their hands to push your head towards it when they can no longer take the build-up of the prior foreplay.
When it comes to oral sex and cock worship, you want to do your absolute best to show them that you find sheer pleasure in giving them pleasure. Skip the classic ‘suck up and down the shaft’ until he cums, and be slow and gentle with your approach. Move through the varying parts of their cock carefully, spending quality time pleasing specific parts. Lick and suck on the tip for a few minutes before moving towards the shaft.
When at the shaft, kiss it intimately, lick it up and down its entirety, and also suck on the entire thing. Make sure to use your hands, as well, while engaging with this oral sex. And, as always, don’t forget to give the testicles some loving, too!
Be loud and assertive with your moans and noises, kiss and caress every inch of their cock, keep that eye contact going, and continue using verbal affirmations every once in a while as you do so.
In the end, your goal is to give the most sensual blowjob ever. Make sure that you are catering to all five of his senses, and they will feel your love and appreciation for their cock send invigorating empowerment through their body that will lead to better moods, more fulfilling sex, a higher sense of intimacy and connection, and an experience that you will both certainly come to enjoy.