
Sexual Punishment for Long Distance Relationships.

Sexual Punishment for Long Distance Relationships.

Long-distance relationships are complicated for both parties. With this, you have to get seriously creative in an effort to ensure that sexual satisfaction is fully met.  Try throwing in some sexual punishment for long-distance relationships, and we've hit the most...

Simple and Easy to Follow Relationship Advice.

Simple and Easy to Follow Relationship Advice.

Relationships, such a stickler they can be, but they surely don't have to be. They can be fun, simple, easy, and full of happiness. Sure, you have your ups and downs just like everyone else, but there's definitely some simple relationship advice to keep things flowing...

How to Write an Apology Letter.

How to Write an Apology Letter.

Finding the right words to say you're sorry can be tricky at times, and learning how to write an apology letter is a wonderful way to gather your thoughts in an expressive and organized manner. No matter who you feel you have wronged, coming up with an appropriate...

How to Apologize to your Boyfriend.

How to Apologize to your Boyfriend.

We’ve all heard the generic, run-of-the-mill, standard apology that follows the template “I’m sorry.” Well, if you’re wondering how to apologize to your boyfriend in a creative, promising, and fulfilling manner, look no further! At V for Vibes, we believe that your...

Compassion in Relationships: It’s a Big Deal!

Compassion in Relationships: It’s a Big Deal!

Compassion in relationships is an emotion that we all experience at some point throughout our lives, but it's not always given as much attention as other emotions. It's one of those feelings that is characterized by heartfelt feelings of unconditional love, genuine...

The Different Kinds of Relationships.

The Different Kinds of Relationships.

What the hell is a relationship anyway? To keep it simple, it's any kind of connection between two or more people. Whether it's platonic, romantic, or sexual, it's a damn relationship, honey. In this article, we'll stick to explaining a few of the most common kinds of...

The Platonic Relationship: What’s the Deal?

The Platonic Relationship: What’s the Deal?

Ahhh, the platonic relationship. Out of all the different kinds of relationships out there in the world, this one might be the least exciting (well, at least for those of us who are horny as heck all the time), but also the most underrated.  Having someone who we love...

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