Your nutrition and overall health play a vital role in your sex drive. Your libido is affected by nearly all aspects of whole health, mental to physical alike, and if you’ve been feeling a lack of sex drive, then perhaps it’s time to make a change.
Today we are going to focus on nutrition and the direct role that the foods you eat have on your sex life. And although food play is a hell of a lot of fun, the focus of today’s article is foods that you eat- after all, an enhanced libido is the key to desire in trying new things such as food play.
The best foods for sex are those that not only make you a healthier person in general, but are those that also have a direct relationship on enhancing libido.
The Best Foods for Sex
Once you realize that the best foods for sex are both extremely easy to find and incorporate into your favorite meals/snacks, it becomes an extremely effortless and effective endeavor in utilizing them to increase your sex drive. Here is a list of best foods to increase female libido and the best food to increase libido in male as well.
The Best Foods to Increase Female Libido
Read Meats
Iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of low libido in females. A low iron count will make you feel tired, groggy, and weak; symptoms that do nothing but adversely affect sex drive. The vegetarians out there might not like this, but red meats are one of the best sources of receiving iron and thus to increase libido in females.
By ensuring that your iron count is right where it needs to be via red meats, you’ll feel your energy levels spike, providing you the resource needed to increase desire for sex. Sex is a workout, and it takes effort and stamina, whether with a partner or with your favorite sex toy, and you simply need energy to take yourself from idea to reality.
Red meats like steak or a good burger aren’t only tasty, but they are one of the best foods to increase female libido.
Are fish-based recipes a part of your diet? If not, you might want to think of incorporating fatty fish into your meals in an effort to increase libido. Fish are excellent foods for increasing libido thanks to their extremely high content of Omega-3s.
Omega-3s are essential to the health of your cardiovascular system. A high-powering cardiovascular system promotes ample blood flow (specifically important when having sex, as this helps to send blood to the genitals for utmost pleasure), and provides to your body the energy needed to maintain healthy hormone-producing glands.
Omega-3s also increase dopamine production, a neurotransmitter that directly affects mood and that combats mental illness such as depression, leading causes of low sex drive.
Salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish-based foods are the best way to protect the health of your cardiovascular system and increase your mood so that you feel that you become embodied by the desire to make love.

Sometimes low sex drive is a result of low-quality sex. Low-quality sex might have underlying reasonings based on your relationship, but often this is personal to one partner, as did you know that poor nutrition makes sex less pleasurable?
To increase pleasure response in the bedroom, which will therefore increase the desire to have sex (as who doesn’t love when things feel amazing?!), try eating a little more spinach!
It’s all about magnesium. Spinach is full of magnesium, and magnesium increases blood flow throughout the body. Increased blood flow will help to send signals of arousal to your genitals, and will showcase to you newfound sexual pleasures as your sex organs pump are pumped with ample blood for optimal sensation.
Whether cooked or raw, such as a simple salad, spinach is one of the easiest foods to healthily consume and one of the best foods to increase female libido.
Pine Nuts
Pine nuts are tasty, and they are one of the leading under-the-radar best foods for sex. It boils down to testosterone. Although testosterone is especially important in male libido, women are also greatly affected by this sex hormone.
In order to increase testosterone in females, try eating pine nuts! A serving of pine nuts will provide your body with zinc, a libido-boosting mineral, and will help to regulate your testosterone levels in a manner that effectively increases sex drive. As well as this, zinc also increases blood flow to your genitals for increased pleasure, and most importantly, sexual stamina that helps lead to better sex and the desire for more.
You can eat pine nuts in their raw form, or you can incorporate them into many tasty recipes, such as your favorite basil pesto or as a topping to a spinach salad (a female-libido boosting two-for-one!)
An apple away might keep the doctor away, but it won’t keep you from the desire to grab the best sex toy in your drawer and get busy with self-love!
In one study, eating an apple every day showcased a positive increase in female libido, and also helped to increase natural lubrication for the wet sex we all love.
It’s all about phytoestrogens, which increase estrogen levels throughout the body, and also due to the health-based positive antioxidant effects uncovered through consuming this fruit.
It might take a little time to build up these levels throughout the body, but all you have to do is snack on an apple in the morning or evening and soon you’ll be finding that not only is pleasure increased in the bedroom, but so is your desire to have more sex.
Food to increase Libido in Male
The sex drive of males and energy levels maintain extreme correlations. The more tired you feel, the less likely you are to have sex.
In an effort to increase energy, you need to consume foods rich in libido-boosting vitamins and other compounds.
Avocados are great for the heart, as they are one of the healthiest fats in nutritional existence. A healthy heart equals a healthy cardiovascular system. Top this off with the fact that avocados are rich in B vitamins, specifically vitamin B6, and youll realize that avocados are an energy boosting food that provides your body with not only enough energy to want sex more, but will also help with sexual stamina and better sex during intercourse.
A little vegetable action in your diet goes a hell of a long way, as vegetables are some of the best food for sex. Broccoli is a powerful asset to whole health and a high functioning immunity, keeping you energized, healthy, and ready to tackle life, and is also great libido-boosting food in males.
Broccoli is extremely high in indole-3-carbinol. Low indole-3-carbinol will showcase negative effects to your prostate, a weaker erection, and a lower testosterone count.
By consistently consuming broccoli, this will help to regulate and increase testosterone production, and will therefore act as a powerful asset in boosting male sex drive.
Figs are super tasty fruits and are a libido-boosting powerhouse. This fruit is an amazing aphrodisiac, and males will benefit greatly by regularly consuming figs.
Figs are an incredible source of amino acids, which are the building blocks to essential proteins within our body. By increasing the production of luteinizing hormones, this promotes the body’s production of testosterone as well.
And as we know, testosterone and sex drive are all too intertwined. If you are feeling the subtle desire to get it on but don’t have the drive to fully succumb to sexual intercourse, try eating a few figs a couple of hours beforehand.
The vitamins and minerals found within figs will also aid in sending blood to the genitals for a harder erection, like nature’s viagra.
You can consume figs in methods like a fig bar, but the best way is to eat a fig in its natural form, either fresh or dried, and women will also very much benefit from this libido-boosting health snack.

How about a sea-food-inspired date to get you in the mood?
Oysters are a very well-known aphrodisiac, and great food to increase libido in male and female counterparts alike.
Oysters are incredibly high in zinc, and as you’ve come to learn, zinc is essential in increasing blood flow to the genitals during arousal. Sometimes all you need is a little extra pulse of blood to the penis to realize that it is time to act upon your deepest desires, and oysters are sure to get the blood flowing.
Zinc is also needed for ample testosterone production and will help to increase sperm count within males.
Zinc is needed on a consistent basis, as our bodies cannot naturally store zinc, and with this, it is all too easy to become zinc deficient and therefore feel the negative effects on your sex drive. With nine times your daily dose of zinc, oysters will have you in the mood in no time.
Whole Grains
Whole grains, such as those found in whole wheat bread, pasta, or oats, offer an excellent source of libido-boosting foods.
Whole grains assist in regulating blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a libido killer. Not only can high blood pressure damage nerve endings found in the penis, but it also reduces blood flow to the genitals.
If you’ve been having a tough time getting erect, and if your sex life has suffered as such, then this might be a result of high blood pressure. You must act upon this with action, and these fiber-rich whole gains not only increase much-needed blood flow, but they also help to increase energy levels for great, long-lasting sex that you want to do again and again.